As the Bobbin Turns: Dramatic Machine Quilting (without the drama)
Subscriber Only Videos and Tutorials
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"I wish you lived next door so I could watch you quilt every day!" -- students
Now you can watch me quilt, without either of us having to move!
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- watch what I'm working on, as I'm working on it
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Your Instructor
Three decades into her quilting life, Debby fell ill with a rare autoimmune disease. She learned that among all of her treatments, quilting was the best medicine as she fought to regain some control over her deteriorating body. Once again active, Debby is now passionate about helping quilters gain confidence in their machine quilting skills so they too can quilt their way through life.
Find Debby on all social media outlets as DebbyBrownQuilts and at DebbyBrownQuilts.Com
Course Curriculum
Start001 Naptime (22:37)
Start002 Arbor (12:39)
Start003 Townhouses (17:13)
Start004 Roman Candle (12:18)
Start005 Old Tobacco Road (11:06)
Start006 Quilt Stamp Tree Skirt (9:36)
Start007 Star Wars Freeze Frame (4:37)
Start008 Bonnie Hunter Pineapple Blossom Quilt (10:35)
Start009 Waiting for the Sun to Shine (25:56)
Start010 Pixie Dust (3:01)
Start011 Moons & Stars (7:36)
Start012 Picnic Patch in Gray (25:46)
Start013 Red Sweet Tooth (12:50)
Start014 Jack's Star (29:28)
Start015 Stag & Thistle Squared Away (5:54)
Start016 -- Go with the Flow (54:26)
Start017 -- Second Inning (14:00)
Start018 -- Monkey Wrench (27:14)
Start019 -- Lori Holt Chicken Quilt (10:05)
Start0020 -- Gray Picnic Patch (24:49)
Start021-- Periphery (13:58)
Start022 Committed (9:19)
Start023 -- Rambin' Rose (1) (11:33)
Start024 -- Neutral Sweet Tooth (16:42)
Start0025 -- Big Cheese Cutie Quilt (6:55)
Start026 -- Freeze Frame Cutie Quilt (7:19)
Start0027 -- Sweet Tooth Cutie Quilt (7:01)
Start028 -- Pink Picnic Patch (23:38)
Start029 -- Blue Checkerboard (4:14)